Thursday, February 22, 2007

what to do, what to do

i've got a weary 'ittle problem.

not a HUMUNGOUS dillema. just an insy binsy little ol' problem that i need help with.

so, i've got my parents breathing down my back about applying to colleges, and to shut them up i applied to the basic colleges in a 2 hr. radius. the problem is, I DONT WANNA GO TO ANY OF THEM!

i wanna go to hollywood. i wanna be a makeup artist. I WANNA DO FILM MAKEUP GOD DAMNIT!

i've got the support from my aunts, cousins, and my g-ma, but my own parents are being unbelievably stubborn.

i guess i'll have to decide what to do pretty soon....

...maybe my independence is what i need to get my ass out the door.......but wait...

i kinda lack that dont i?

Monday, February 12, 2007

but its too good to resist

yeah, this whole health food's not turning out so well.

i am eating healthier foods....just in way bigger amounts than recomended.

i just downed a whole margarita pizza, by myself.
im gonna get fat. i know it.

this is why i steal hazardous obsticales

Here i was sitting in my car on the way to class, just driving and zoning out like usual. 55 is not the most exciting highway so here and there i tend to drift in and out of conscienceness. Dreaming about what i'm gonna eat for lunch, when my next schematic is due or why i picked out my current outfit usually takes about 5 min. of my thought process each morning.

But there are somethings that jolt you back to reality. For example: a orange hazard sign reading "TURN OFF CELL PHONE" placed on the merging ramp onto 55.

At first i wasnt sure if it read what i thought it read. So i did a double-take, and as a matter of fact, it did indeed.

My instint reaction was of defense. "Who the hell are you to tell me to turn off my cell phone," i raged in my head. This sign had no authority to tell me to do such an action.

But then i thought, "Maybe they're doing something electrical and need me to turn it off, so something doesnt blow up". But wouldnt they tell you that in the news, if they were doing something that dangerous?

Questions kept running through my mind about the damn sign. I was so shooken up by this one little 16X16 sign. I kept thinking that the government is getting a little power hungry, since we are now being told to turn off our cell phone.

A little later down the road another orange hazardous sign read "END BLASTING ZONE".
Boy did i feel stupid.